Thursday, August 09, 2007

The Rosary at War

Anita Moore over at V for Victory! had a great idea last February, to pray the Rosary for victory. Definitely go over and read the intentions for the decades of the Glorious Mysteries. And if this idea sounds odd to you, remember that Pope St. Pius V asked for the Rosary to be prayed for victory in the Battle of Lepanto. I had been thinking that it seems since September 11th many of us have been looking for some way to contribute to the war effort. This isn't going to be like World War II with scrap medal and war bond drives. This would be the way to bring out a secret weapon, to pray for victory and for the conversion of our Muslim brothers and sisters. And to think that Anita Moore is a lawyer! Well, was bound to happen eventually. We've only been waiting on a good lawyer since 1535.

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